

/foto﹥河口湖 Kawaguchiko

by jc-hiroto

on Thu Dec 28 2023

夏與冬的河口湖 | Kawaguchiko in summer and winter

2023.08 + 2023.12.

With my family and by myself.

夏 - 湖與厚雲

Summer - Lake and Thick Clouds


Summer is the best season to climb Mount Fuji because there is no snow; however, the chance of seeing Mount Fuji in Kawaguchiko is the lowest during this time. It is typically cloudy and rainy. On the bright side, this day is the coolest in Japan during the summer.

關於不同方位看到富士山的機率,一個很好的方法是參考 富士見予報

A good way to know the probability of seeing Mount Fuji in different directions is to refer to When to See Mt. Fuji?



Station and Rain

一抵達車站就下起了雨,從前幾天在東京市區的炎熱中獲得一絲可以喘息的涼意。 但對於第一次來到河口湖的我來說,這樣的天氣不免讓我有點失望。

It began to rain as soon as I reached the station. I experienced a bit of relief from the heat in Tokyo city. However, as someone who visited Kawaguchiko for the first time, this type of weather left me slightly disappointed.

35.49805, 138.76880

Olympus mju-II

Built-in 35mm f/2.8

Kodak Vision3 200T




河口湖周遊巴士(紅線) 是一個很方便的交通工具,可以在河口湖周圍的景點之間來回。班距大約 15 分鐘但經常延誤嚴重,我覺得我以後一定要租車自駕到河口湖。

The Kawaguchiko Sightseeing Bus (Red Line) is a highly convenient mode of public transportation that allows for easy travel between various attractions in the Kawaguchiko area. The bus operates every 15 minutes; however, it is occasionally subject to delays. I believe it would be more advisable to rent a car for future trips to Kawaguchiko.

35.50591, 138.76340

Hasselblad 500C/M

Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm f/2.8

Fujifilm Provia 100F RDPIII





A dog walking with a guy by the lake appears to be a Shiba Inu.

35.50699, 138.76346

Hasselblad 500C/M

Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm f/2.8

Fujifilm Provia 100F RDPIII



Fujisan Express


I didn't take it, but it's an adorable train called Fujisan Express. It has various Mount Fuji patterns on it. To be honest, the Japanese are truly skilled at designing special sightseeing trains.

35.48366, 138.79451

Olympus mju-II

Built-in 35mm f/2.8

Kodak Vision3 200T

冬 - 湖與積雪之山

Winter - Lake and Snowy Mountain

相比夏天,冬天在河口湖看到富士山的機率是最高的,但是冬天的河口湖也是最冷的。這次 12 月中旬來比較可惜的是紅葉大多已經落完,富士山的積雪也不算太多。要知足啊,這次非常難得看到了沒有雲遮蔽的完整富士山,沒有枉費我這次四個月內的再訪。
Compared to summer, the probability of seeing Mount Fuji in Kawaguchiko in winter is the highest. However, Kawaguchiko in winter is also the coldest. Unfortunately, most of the autumn leaves have fallen and there is not much snow on Mount Fuji in mid-December. I'm very satisfied because I saw the complete Mount Fuji without any clouds. It was worth revisiting within four months.

Compared to the Fuji Excursion train I took last time, I opted for a cheaper express bus on weekdays this time. It is half the price but offers a similar travel time. The drawback is that there may be a delay of several hours if you encounter a traffic jam.

河口湖大橋周圍 Around Kawaguchiko Bridge

Walk slowly across Kawaguchiko Bridge in the winter sun, and continue walking leisurely along the shore. As I took the first express bus on weekdays in the morning, there are not many people or noises.



Kawaguchiko Bridge


By walking across the bridge across Kawaguchiko, you can see the panoramic view of Mount Fuji.

35.51063, 138.77388

Olympus mju-II

Built-in 35mm f/2.8

Kodak Vision3 200T



Ubuyagasaki Shrine


There is a small shrine called Ubuyagasaki Shrine on the side of the bridge. It is situated on a mini hill and has a magnificent view despite its small size.

35.51280, 138.76600

Sony A7 II

Sony FE Carl Zeiss T* 16-35mm f/4 ZA




Silver Grass and Reflection

在這邊拍照拍一拍遇到了香港籍的灣區 Google 軟體工程師,互相幫忙拍了幾張照之後還加了 LinkedIn。怎麼到了這裡還在 Networking...

I met a software engineer from Hong Kong working at Google in the Bay Area. We helped each other take some photos and connected on LinkedIn. Why am I still networking here...

35.51303, 138.77107

Hasselblad 500C/M

Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm f/2.8

Fujifilm PRO160NS



Video Call

拍照沒辦法紀錄聲音,但我可以用文字敘述。 散步到一半突然聽到大聲的講話聲,原來是有人在湖岸邊走邊視訊通話。

I cannot capture the sound in the photo, but I can describe it with words. I was walking around the lake when I suddenly heard a loud voice. It turned out that someone was walking by the lake while making a video call.

35.51303, 138.77107

Sony A7 II

Sony FE Carl Zeiss T* 16-35mm f/4 ZA




Swan Boat


I have experienced riding a swan boat in Taiwan when I was a child, but I have forgotten the specific lake. I wonder if riding a swan boat and seeing the Mt. Fuji scenery in Kawaguchiko will give me a different feeling.

35.51236, 138.77382

Sony A7 II

Sony FE Carl Zeiss T* 16-35mm f/4 ZA




Pajero, Boat, Cone

Pajero 拖著船,三角錐的橘色很好的平衡了整張照片的色調。

The Pajero is towing a boat. The orange color of the cone balances the tone of the photo.

35.51150, 138.77406

Sony A7 II

Sony FE Carl Zeiss T* 16-35mm f/4 ZA


天上山公園 Tenjosan Park

天上山公園可以透過纜車或是步行上山,可以看到河口湖的全景。這個公園有狸貓與兔子兩個吉祥物,是根據日本童話故事 かちかち山(咔嚓咔嚓山) 而來,狸貓與狐狸是故事的主角。剛好在大學日文課讀過、表演過這個故事,所以對這個故事特別有印象。
Tenjosan Park can be reached by cable car or on foot. From the park, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Kawaguchiko. Two mascots, Tanuki and Usagi, are present in the park, based on the Japanese fairy tale Kachi-kachi Yama (Kachi-kachi Mountain). The story revolves around the adventures of Tanuki and fox as the main characters. I had the opportunity to read and perform this story in my Japanese class during my undergraduate studies, so I have a vivid impression of it.

In addition to serving as an observation deck, Tenjosan Park also offers sweet soy sauce mochis and various souvenirs for sale. What's even more impressive is the presence of a swing that allows visitors to swing on the edge of the hill while gazing at Mt. Fuji. Numerous families bring their children to play here, often forming a queue and relying on staff members to do a countdown for each group of people.

I wonder if the little kids will remember, when they grow up, that they swung on a swing with such beautiful scenery.

盪鞦韆還要排隊所以我就沒拍照了,拍別人的小孩好像也有點怪。自己到 官網看照片吧
I didn't take photos of the swing as I had to wait in line, and it felt a bit strange to take photos of other people's children. Check out the official website for photos.





Most tourists come to Kawaguchiko to see Mount Fuji, and they also take numerous photos of it. The shape of Kawaguchiko itself is special; it is beautiful but often overlooked.

35.50356, 138.77694

Sony A7 II

Sony FE Carl Zeiss T* 16-35mm f/4 ZA




Mt. Fuji and Plain


From Tenjosan Park, you can not only observe the shape of Kawaguchiko but also see Mt. Fuji and the surrounding plains clearly.

35.50355, 138.77706

Sony A7 II

Sony FE Carl Zeiss T* 16-35mm f/4 ZA


河口浅間神社 Kawaguchi Asama Shrine

There are many shrines called Asama Shrine in the vicinity of Kawaguchiko. Among them, the most well-known ones include Shin-Kura Fuji Asama Shrine, which I visited during the summer. The highlight of this shrine is the Chureito Pagoda located in Shin-Kura Fuji Asama Park, which is situated nearby. The vibrant red pagoda against the backdrop of a blue sky complements the majestic Mount Fuji, creating a breathtaking contrast. On my previous visit, I climbed countless stairs to reach Shin-Kura Fuji Asama Park in anticipation of enjoying the views. However, unfortunately, I was unable to catch a glimpse of Mount Fuji due to unfavorable weather conditions.

另一間是這次冬天去的河口浅間神社,這間神社位於河口湖的北邊,從神社可以看到富士山景。有名的景色依然需要爬一段不短的山路,可以看到無邊際天空的遥拝所天空の鳥居。 因為新倉富士淺間神社在下吉田站附近,離河口湖有數站的距離,所以這次選擇河口浅間神社和天空鳥居。
The other one I went to this winter is Kawaguchi Asama Shrine. This shrine is located north of Kawaguchiko, and from here, you can see the scenery of Mount Fuji. The famous scenery still requires a long walk, and you can catch a glimpse of the sky torii. Since Shin-Kura Fuji Asama Shrine is near Shimoyoshida Station, which is just a few stops away from Kawaguchiko, I decided to visit Kawaguchi Asama Shrine and the sky torii this time.



To Kawaguchi Asama Shrine


On the way from Ongaku no Mori Museum to Kawaguchi Asama Shrine, you will pass through a lakeside town. The area is predominantly farmland and houses, with occasional sightings of unique self-built houses and family-style restaurants.

35.52476, 138.76933

Sony A7 II

Sony FE Carl Zeiss T* 16-35mm f/4 ZA




Kawaguchi Asama Shrine


There is a shrine hidden in the town, with many huge old trees surrounding the architecture. I initially thought the sky torii was located here, but it turned out that I had to climb a long mountain road.

35.53063, 138.77343

Sony A7 II

Sony FE Carl Zeiss T* 16-35mm f/4 ZA


從神社到天空鳥居需要走約 30 分鐘的山路,是柏油路但是常有車輛通過,所以要注意安全。感覺租車自駕來參訪會比較適合,但山上停車空間也有限,我猜也是有點需要賭運氣。
It takes approximately 30 minutes to walk from the shrine to the sky torii. It is not a designated trail, and there will be passing vehicles, so you must be careful. Renting a car would likely be more suitable, but it's worth noting that there is limited parking space on the mountain. I guess it's a bit of a gamble if you want to drive here.

有趣的是,天空鳥居的拍照點也請了工作人員幫忙倒數計時,每組人有 3 分鐘的時間可以拍。
Interestingly, the photo spot for the sky torii also required the staff's assistance for a countdown, allowing each group of people just 3 minutes to take photos.


遥拝所 天空の鳥居

Sky Torii

距離浅間神社約 30 分鐘腳程的天空鳥居,上山沿路還有一個露營旅館。鳥居傳說是連接神的居所與人類居住的俗世的通道,在天空鳥居可以透過透視把富士山框在鳥居中。

The Sky Torii is about a 30-minute walk from Kawaguchi Asama Shrine, and there is a camping hotel along the way. You can frame Mount Fuji in the torii. The torii is said to be a passage connecting the shrine and the human world.

35.53512, 138.77805

Sony A7 II

Sony FE Carl Zeiss T* 16-35mm f/4 ZA


More photos coming soon...

The article is translated with the assistance of LLM.

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James Chang


Software Engineer + Photographer


A Taiwanese software engineer in the Bay Area. I love writing random code and film photography. This blog is mainly about software engineering and my photography works.

Copyright © 2024 James Chang.