

/foto﹥Sierra Vista @ SJ

by jc-hiroto

on Sat Apr 13 2024

灣區爬山觀景聖地 Trails & Views in the Bay Area


關於 About this place

最初知道這個地方並不是因為它白天的景色,而是從朋友口中聽說了這裡的夜景。 第一次與朋友開車晚上夜衝上山,停車場日落後就關閉,只能在路邊臨時停車。 那次非常冷,下車看了一下夜景後就開車下山了。

老實說夜晚上山並不是一個很好的選擇,除了風大、冷之外,最近假日夜晚經常有警察巡邏,驅趕在路邊臨時停車、欣賞夜景的人。 直到有一天白天上山,發現不只有三四條步道可以走,還有很多不同的觀景點可以看到整個聖荷西市區。


I didn't know about this place at first because of its daytime scenery, but because I heard about the night view here from a friend. The first time I drove up the mountain at night with a friend, the parking lot was closed after sunset, and we could only park temporarily on the side of the road. It was very cold that time, and after getting off the car to see the night view, we drove down the mountain.

To be honest, going up the mountain at night is not a good choice. In addition to the strong wind and cold, the police often patrol on holidays at night and drive away people who park temporarily on the side of the road to enjoy the night view. Until one day I went up the mountain during the day, I found that there are not only three or four trails to walk, but also many different viewpoints where you can see the entire city of San Jose.

Another cool thing is that the mountain road here is very interesting, and driving up the mountain is also a very fun experience. On holidays, if I have nothing to do, I will drive up the mountain and take a round. (Because there are usually no parking spaces, I can't walk the trails, so I can only drive up the mountain and take a round.)

Sierra Vista Open Space Preserve

黃金時刻 Golden Hour



Golden Waves


Golden waves of grasses on the hillside at golden hour, like the sea of gold.

Hasselblad 500C/M

Carl Zeiss Planar T* 80mm f/2.8

Fujifilm Provia 100F RDP III



Overlooking San Jose


Although the visibility was not high during sunset hours, the city of San Jose in the valley was clearly visible around noon.

Hasselblad 500C/M

Carl Zeiss Planar T* 80mm f/2.8

Fujifilm Provia 100F RDP III





Although not in the world of Dune, the golden light shining on the grass here makes people think of the spice-filled dessert where Paul Atreides and Chani are.

Hasselblad 500C/M

Carl Zeiss Planar T* 80mm f/2.8

Fujifilm Provia 100F RDP III



People & Moon


The moon in the center and the person lying on the grass, the orange-blue gradient sky with the golden grass, the stable composition and color matching make people feel calm. (But there are actually many people above who are quite noisy)

Hasselblad 500C/M

Carl Zeiss Planar T* 80mm f/2.8

Fujifilm Provia 100F RDP III

下山的夕陽之路 Sunset Road Downhill

平常下山如果有人開超級慢真的會感到煩躁,唯獨在這個黃金時刻,大家都不疾不徐的開著車下山,享受著夕陽的餘暉。 拍完照後我也開著車,聽著日本城市流行音樂慢慢的下山,感覺很舒服。

Usually, if someone drives super slow downhill, it will really feel annoying, but only at this golden hour, everyone drives down the mountain slowly, enjoying the afterglow of the sunset. After taking the photos, I also drove down the mountain slowly, listening to Japanese city pop music, and it felt very comfortable.


下山的夕陽之路 - 1

Sunset Road Downhill - 1


During sunset, driving down the mountain, if you can drive a convertible car and listen to Japanese city pop music, it should be a very comfortable experience.

Hasselblad 500C/M

Carl Zeiss Planar T* 80mm f/2.8

Fujifilm Provia 100F RDP III


下山的夕陽之路 - 2

Sunset Road Downhill - 2


Walk a little downhill and capture the last moment before sunset, which is also the most brilliant moment of golden light.

Hasselblad 500C/M

Carl Zeiss Planar T* 80mm f/2.8

Fujifilm Provia 100F RDP III

餘暉 Afterglow





The hillside with normal colors before going down the mountain and the last sky gradient.

Hasselblad 500C/M

Carl Zeiss Planar T* 80mm f/2.8

Fujifilm PRO160NS

後記 Afterword

如果有機會來到灣區,不妨來這裡走走爬山,享受一下這裡的山景。 上山的山路開起車來也非常有趣,只不過停車位有限,假日熱門時段很容易停滿,也無法排隊等候或是停在路邊,通常運氣不好就只能沿路下山或迴轉。 停車場周邊的山路也是單向行駛,請注意交通標誌和指示。

If you have the chance to come to the Bay Area, I strongly recommend you to come here and enjoy the mountain views. The mountain road up the mountain is also very interesting to drive, but the parking spaces are limited. During the peak hours of the holiday, the lot is usually full after noon, and you cannot wait or park on the side of the road. Usually, if you are unlucky, the only way is to go down the mountain or turn around along the road. The roads around the parking lot are also one-way, please pay attention to traffic signs and instructions.

The article is translated with the assistance of LLM.

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James Chang


Software Engineer + Photographer


A Taiwanese software engineer in the Bay Area. I love writing random code and film photography. This blog is mainly about software engineering and my photography works.

Copyright © 2024 James Chang.